
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


After you have downloaded and purchased the game, you will be able to play! Now, the queer thing about minecraft is that there is no instructions for the game. None. Here are the controls for the game:
W-move forward
A-move left
S-move back
D-move right
To start playing, you must go to the title screen:

Minecraft title screen
Then, you must press SINGLEPLAYER.

 A screen like this will appear. Press CREATE NEW WORLD, set it to whatever you want, and a new world will be created. You will then be in that world.
Now, first, we need to collect some wood. You can punch wood and collect it by going up to a tree, aiming your crosshairs at it, and holding left click, or whatever your attack key is. The crosshairs are a little + in the middle of the screen.

the crosshairs (when currently looking at grass)

 You must hold left click (or whatever your attack is) until the wood breaks. To find out what your controls are, press the ESCAPE key on your computer. This screen will appear.

Now, press OPTIONS. You will get another screen, then press CONTROLS. (shown below)

The controls menu

To change a control, say the attack, I would left click the control key for attack. The text will then turn to ???'s. Then, press the key that you want the new control button to be.

the attack after I left clicked it

 NOTICE: Make sure you have different keys for each control.

Once you have done that, we need to punch down our trees. When you break a wood block, it will appear in your inventory.

My inventory located at the bottom of my screen.
 This is only part of my inventory, though. The picture up top is of the items in my inventory HAND. If I press a number, like 3. Then I will be holding the item I put in box 3 of my hand. When you press E, (the default inventory button) you will will get your entire inventory.

My true inventory in Minecraft.
When you get items, you can move them in and out of your hand by clicking on an item, then moving it, and clicking it down where you want.

With our newly collected wood, we need to make a hasty camp. We must make an essential tool called a CRAFTING TABLE. Almost everything in Minecraft has a crafting recipe. Like, to make a sword we need some sticks, and stones. We use our materials and make the sword in a crafting table. Here's how we make a crafting table. We take our wood, and in our survival inventory we turn it into wood planks.

 We the take our planks, and we spread them out in our survival crafting like this. To place an item in the crafting squares, press right click into the boxes. 
making a crafting table
 Take the crafting table and put it in your hand. Then, to place it, press the use item button on the ground while holding the crafting table.


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