
Sunday, June 17, 2012

All types of FOOD!

Food, you need it to survive in Minecraft. If you do not have enough food, you will eventually starve to death. In minecraft, you will have a hunger bar. The hunger bar is to the right of the health bar. One hunger point is indicated with a drumstick. You will naturally lose hunger points, but you lose more while running. You will start starving when all the drumsticks disappear.

 In this post, I will be listing all the types of food, how to get them, and what it restores.

STEAK (raw and cooked):
left: raw   right: cooked
Steak can be acquired by killing cows, a passive mob.
cow: *GASP!!*
Eating cooked steak can earn you four health points (four drumsticks) and you can get cooked steak by cooking raw steak in a furnace.
Eating a raw steak can give you one and a half drumsticks
TIP: if you are too lazy to cook food with coal, use a lava bucket instead! It will cook a total of 100 items. Or, kill the animal by burning him to death!

BREAD: Bread can be collected by crafting them with wheat in a crafting table. Or sometimes in NPC village chests, or in dungeon chests.
Bread earns you 3 1/2 drumsticks, and you will not get food poisoning

how to craft bread in minecraft

you can get cake by crafting wheat, sugar, an egg, and milk buckets.

how to craft a cake. Uses milk buckets, sugar, an egg, and wheat.
 Cakes can only be eaten when placed on a block. You can take 6 separate bites out of one cake, and each bite yields one hunger point.

You need wheat and cocoa beans to make cookies. Cocoa beans are usually found in dungeon chests, and on jungle trees.
a natural made dungeon. (notice the chests. that is where cocoa beans are in)

Here's how you craft cookies:

 WATERMELON SLICES: I'm not sure if watermelons are naturally found. But I do know melon seeds can be found in dungeon chests. Melons can be grown. They are like pumpkins, they need two blocks of dirt, one for the stem and one for the block. They also need water at least 4 blocks away from the stem.

watermelon farm

Each melon block yields  3-7 melon slices. Each slice earns back 1 hunger point.

MUSHROOM STEW:  you can get mushroom stew by crafting it with a bowl, a red mushroom, and a brown mushroom. Here's how you make a bowl.

How to make the stew:
Helpful tip: To get lots of mushrooms, put bonemeal on a mushroom that is planted in the ground to get a giant mushroom! Mine the giant mushroom to get more mushrooms that what you started with!
Mushroom stew yields four hunger points.

Raw chicken is acquired by killing chickens.
chicken: oh god.
 You can get cooked chicken by cooking raw chicken in a furnace.
Raw chicken can heal one drumstick, and cooked chicken can heal three drumsticks

You can get raw pork by killing pigs. Raw porkchop gives you 1 1/2 drumsticks. cooked gives you 6. I'm pretty sure you know how to cook raw porkchop.

to get fish, you need to go fishing. Here's how to make a fishing pole.
Here's how to fish, aim into a body of water while holding the fishing pole, and right click. Then your bobber will be cast into the water. Wait. If you see your bobber move down suddenly, right click and if you timed it right, a fish should come flying to you.
To get cooked fish cook a raw fish in a furnace.
A raw fish earns you 1 health pt. a cooked one earns you 2 1/2.

RED APPLE: red apples will fall out of leaves when you destroy the leaves on a tree. They can also be found in dungeon chests, or NPC village chests. They will get you two hunger points.

GOLDEN APPLE: Heals the same amount of hunger as a red apple, but it will cause health regeneration for 4 seconds. Here's how to craft a golden apple:

Here's how to get golden nuggets (things around red apple above)

gold ingot is the block of gold on the left.
You can also get gold nuggets by killing zombie pigmen. They will drop it on some occasions when killed.
im a zombie pigman!
I know, its gross. But its food. You can get rotten flesh by killing zombies or zombie pigmen. If you eat it, you will regain 2 hunger pts, but you heave an 80% chance of getting food poisoning, which will cause you to lose 2 hunger pts.
TIP: Eat a rotten flesh, then drink a bucket of milk. It will make it so you don't have food poisoning.

Yes, it is also gross to eat. And not very effective. You can get a spider eye by killing cave and regular spiders, a hostile mob.
cave spider! Poisons you when attacks
regular spider! Doesnt poison you when attacks.

 Eating a spider eye will let you gain 1 hunger pt. But it will poison you, which will make you lose two hearts.

poisonous potato
Potatoes are a rare drop dropped by zombies. There is a small chance a zombie will drop a poisonous potato. When consumed, has a high chance of poisoning you, which lowers your health. You can farm potatoes, but they take a while to grow. A normal potato heals 1/2 food point, while baking a potato in a furnace will heal 3 hunger points.
(FYI to plant a potato on fertile farmland press the use item button while holding the potato onto the farmland)
potato minecraft

Carrots are rare drops also dropped by zombies. You can plant potatoes in the ground and farm them.
Eating a carrot will heal 2 hunger points.

You can make a pumpkin pie by combining a pumpkin, a piece of sugar, and an egg.
A pumpkin pie will heal 4 hunger points

Thanks! That is all the food in minecraft! Come back soon!

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